school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 34: Sandwich Shapes

Well, this was not my original idea.  Usually on Tuesday I like to do some kind of lunchable or snack box.  But I went to make lunches last night and found myself without crackers.  I'm not sure how that happened, because I'm usually pretty on top of my inventory, but oh well. Sandwiches are always an easy backup. I got out some of my fun sandwich cutters to make them into fun shapes - so there really is never just an 'ordinary' sandwich around here.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 29: snack box with gluten free crackers

I like routine, and for me that includes following a meal plan.  For lunch I just follow a schedule that helps keep me on track.  And according to that schedule, Tuesday is "lunchables" day, or what I loosely define as just a snack box - crackers and other little things to nibble one. I usually just start by filling the box with little containers, and filling the containers until I've got what I think is a balanced meal.  This week I went with a gluten free cracker, not because I had to, but because we love these crackers.  They are made by Milton's and we get them at Costco.  They are crunchy and salty - just what crackers should be. 

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 28: two leftovers, two from the freezer

This is a Monday lunch, which sometimes ends up being a little of this and a little of that.  Monday is a good time to clean out the fridge a little. One child didn't eat her grilled cheese sandwich from a Saturday restaurant outing, so I cut it in pieces and stuck on skewers for two to share.  The other two were just as easy - pizza rolls pulled from the freezer.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 19 - Tuna Salad and Homemade Buttermilk Quick Bread

This is a simple lunch, but it's one I think they will like.  Most of my kids like tuna, and they are happier to just eat it out of a bowl than if I put it in a sandwich.  I don't do it too often, but it is an easy protein to add to a lunch, and especially great when your fridge might be a little bare of other protein options - you've always got a can of tuna in the pantry.

If you are struggling with what to pack for lunch - just fall back on the basics: protein + vegetable + fruit + carb.  If all you do is remember that, then you're covered.  It really doesn't have to even be things that you think should go together, honestly I don't think kids care nearly as much about 'correct' food pairings as we do.  Just start with a protein, and protein, and then get through it, one item at a time, until the lunch box full.  

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 18: Pizza Rolls!

One word: Easy. Monday needs an easy lunch, and these little guys fit the bill.  If you haven't made these yet, and your people like pizza - then what are you waiting for?  Make a double batch, it takes about 5 minutes, pack some in lunch, have some for dinner, stick half in the freezer for a couple of lunches down the road. You will not regret it.  If you have them frozen, just put them straight from the freezer to the lunchbox the night before (you are packing the night before, right?).  They will thaw overnight in the fridge and be perfect at room temp for lunch.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 17: Make your own sandwich boxes

Somehow, a sandwich sometimes seems more interesting to a kid when they have made it themselves.  I did this a few times last year and my kids loved it.  And it's less work for me, so: win-win. Basically, the components of a sandwich, but not a sandwich.  They assemble it themselves at lunch. Or not. But last year when I sent lunch this way they came home excited to tell me that they had made their own sandwich. It's just a simple way to mix things up a bit - same ingredients as if you made the sandwich, just presented in a new way.  This is a quick and easy lunch to make!

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 16: Burritos, and a sack lunch!

I wanted something that could be easily eaten on the field trip, held in one hand and not fall apart or have a lot of little pieces to deal with. Burritos are perfect for that.  You could practically just take it in your pocket.  It's easy to make ahead, and personally I think they taste just as good cold as they do hot, especially if they have just simple ingredients (I don't think I'd like a cold steak burrito, but bean and cheese does just fine).  I just buy organic canned refried beans, and I shred big blocks of cheese.  I'll try to do a video one of these days about the rolling, but it's really quite easy - the trick is to not over stuff the burrito. Just a few spoonfuls of beans, a sprinkle of cheese.  I microwave these enough to get the cheese melting into the beans and the tortilla nice and soft.  Then fold the sides in, and roll.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 14: sandwich on a stick!

Sometimes all you have to do to make lunch a little more interesting is to take an ordinary food and rearrange it.  All I did here was trim the crusts off the sandwiches (which they don't eat anyway), and cut them in quarters, and shoved them on little bamboo sticks.  .It was quick and easy. But doesn't it look so much more appealing than just a boring old sandwich? 

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch day 13: English Muffin Pizzas

I was at the grocery store yesterday and English muffins where on sale, so I grabbed some. Everybody loves pizza for lunch, and English muffin pizzas are an all time classic, and so easy to make.  If you keep some basic ingredients on hand - English muffin, tomato sauce, cheese - this is a great one to have in your back pocket for when you can't think of anything else.  You can never go wrong with pizza. 

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