school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 22: Easy Cold Pasta Lunch

We had taco penne pasta for dinner last night.  This is a super easy dinner idea, if you're looking for something new.  Just cook pasta, and top it with whatever you would put on a taco: cheese, meat, sour cream, salsa, etc. 

I always cook extra pasta. It keeps well in the fridge and it freezes great.  It makes for a very quick and easy lunch or dinner.  For this lunch I just dumped in some cold pasta, and added a little protein and fruit. And yes, they will eat it cold (or room temp).

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

Another week of school lunches

Are you starting to struggle with figuring out what to pack?  My weekly lunch plan really helps me out on days when I'm out of ideas.  I stick to my usual formula of Monday leftovers, Tuesday tortilla, Wednesday breakfast, Thursday lunchable and Friday Sandwich.  It really helps me keep it fresh and not repeat a lunch twice in one week, and I still feel like I have a lot of room for creativity within that framework.  You should give it a try. 

Last week was just four days of school - we had Tuesday off for Veteran's Day.  The kids were all super excited leading up to it. They aren't quite old enough to really understand what the day means, but they were still very excited to wish their older brother, an Iraq and Afghanistan Vet, a happy Veteran's Day. The oldest of mine were just babies when he went on his first deployment, and they couldn't quite understand why there wasn't a cake to celebrate the day. I had to explain more than once that it wasn't a birthday, and in the years to come we will make sure that they learn and understand what his, and every veteran's, service means to us.

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