school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 14: sandwich on a stick!

Sometimes all you have to do to make lunch a little more interesting is to take an ordinary food and rearrange it.  All I did here was trim the crusts off the sandwiches (which they don't eat anyway), and cut them in quarters, and shoved them on little bamboo sticks.  .It was quick and easy. But doesn't it look so much more appealing than just a boring old sandwich? 

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunches 2014-2015 - week 17

One of these days I have plans to start blogging about more than just my kids school lunches, but spare time is limited and so this is most of what I do here on the blog right now.  I'm glad that there's so many of you who are interested in seeing these things - keep sharing with your friends, and let me know what else you'd like to know about what I'm doing. 

One of the key things I try to focus on when packing a lunch is to give them some amount of balance.  I don't always manage it, but at least several days out of the week I think I do pretty well at giving them a balanced meal with protein, fruit, veggie, and carb.  Sometimes there's more of one than the others, but over the course of the week I think we balance out ok.  

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