school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 20: Apple Bread Breakfast Sandwiches

I was so excited about this lunch that I had a hard time not eating one of them myself. If this one isn't a winner, then I might just have to quit.  Who wouldn't eat this?  This is homemade apple bread sandwiches  The bread is a recipe I am still working on an hope to post it soon - sorry I keep teasing about that, but baking is a tricky thing and I don't want to post it until I'm sure it's right.  As you can see from the picture, one of the loaves fell a little flat - too much liquid I think.  But it still tastes really great - a bright, fresh apple flavor, that goes so great with the butter or cream cheese, and the fruit. 

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch Day 19 - Tuna Salad and Homemade Buttermilk Quick Bread

This is a simple lunch, but it's one I think they will like.  Most of my kids like tuna, and they are happier to just eat it out of a bowl than if I put it in a sandwich.  I don't do it too often, but it is an easy protein to add to a lunch, and especially great when your fridge might be a little bare of other protein options - you've always got a can of tuna in the pantry.

If you are struggling with what to pack for lunch - just fall back on the basics: protein + vegetable + fruit + carb.  If all you do is remember that, then you're covered.  It really doesn't have to even be things that you think should go together, honestly I don't think kids care nearly as much about 'correct' food pairings as we do.  Just start with a protein, and protein, and then get through it, one item at a time, until the lunch box full.  

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School Lunch day 12: Hot leftovers for friday

Honestly I don't love doing hot lunches.  Because it means that I have to pack in the morning when I get up.  I much prefer doing the packing at night and getting up in the morning with the knowledge that it's already done.  But the kids had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner - homemade meatballs and homemade sauce.  I have to admit, it was really good.  And when a child tells me that she loved her dinner so much that she wants to have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow, well I have a hard time saying no to that.  So, leftover spaghetti it is!

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 8 - a warm lunch

I don't do warm lunches very often, mostly because they can't be packed the night before and I usually don't want to take the time in the morning.  But this one was super easy because it was just leftovers. We had macaroni and cheese and salad for dinner last night.  As you have heard me say many times before, I always cook extra.  If I'm boiling the water and opening the box, then why not make 4 boxes of mac & cheese instead of 2? It's just as easy, and then we have another meal already made.  We also had a salad bar with our dinner, and so I had extra of the veggies already cut up.  I made up the salad boxes last night, from the salad leftovers, and put those in the fridge.  Then in the morning all I had to do was heat up the mac & cheese and put it in the thermos containers.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

Another week of school lunches

Another week in the books.  It wasn't our best week ever, we're still fighting that fall school germ season, but we managed to get through it. One of my kids has asthma, so the cold season that makes the rest of us just uncomfortable can hit her pretty hard.  And we had a couple of hard nights.  I'll tell you, making these lunches the night before definitely saved my bacon a couple of days - after being up much of the night with a sick kiddo, there's no way I'd be making lunch in the morning.  My kids would have been stuck with a school cafeteria lunch.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

A week of School Lunches

A week late on posting lunches from last week - we've had a few sick kiddos around here and I don't get much time in front of the computer.  But the work goes on, lunches are still made and eaten.

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